Patients with spinal disorders who quit smoking may experience substantial improvements in back pain, according to the findings of an analysis of a prospectively maintained database. The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery | Article Smoking is associated with low back pain, intervertebral disc disease, inferior patient outcomes following surgical interventions, and increased […]

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Provide our Military with the Chiropractic Benefits that they deserve.
Please join us in supporting our military but helping them get the benefits that they deserve. Let your voice be heard in Congress by supporting House Resolution 409, Chiropractic Health Parity for Military Beneficiaries Act.

Legislative Alert for Supporting our Military
Help us provide the chiropractic benefits our military families need. Tricare is the insurance provider for our military families. We have been working to add Chiropractic Benefits to Tricare insurance plans. Please contact your Congressman and ask them to support: HR Bill 409 The Chiropractic Health Parity for Military Beneficiaries Act

Chiropractic Safety
Chiropractic Safety is often a subject that our patients ask us to address. Our physicians perform specific examinations to determine what type of treatment is not only the most effective but also those that may not be appropriate for a specific condition to ensure our patient’s safety. View patient’s responses to treatment for the conditions.
Sciatica pain is low back pain that extends down the leg and crosses over the knee. We use a number of techniques to treat this condition including Cox-distraction to alleviate your pain. View patient’s responses to treatment for the conditions.
Low Back Pain
It is generally accepted that approximately 80% of the population will experience an episode of low back pain at some point in their lives. At Family Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we treat many patients daily for low back pain and can make a significant impact on that patient’s severity and frequency of pain. View patient’s responses […]
Tension Headaches
Tension Headaches are typically those that we experience towards the end of our work day. We may feel them either in the back of our head or sometimes above our eyes and may at times seem like a sinus headache. Let our doctors help you determine the type of headache that you are experiencing and […]
Our doctors commonly treat migraine headaches with chiropractic and acupuncture treatment. View patient’s responses to treatment for the conditions.
Sacroiliac Pain
This condition that effects the low back and what patients commonly describe as hip pain responds very well to our treatment. View patient’s responses to treatment for the conditions. View patient’s responses to treatment for the conditions.